# Freed.place heya! welcome to my personal website! this site is build using Hugo and can be easily deployed for yourself. ## how to build this site? this site uses Hugo, an open-source framework for building websites. to install Hugo on your system, please install the `hugo` package from your package manager. after that; run `hugo` in the root of this repository which will create the website in the `public/` directory. you can then host the `public/` directory using `nginx` or your program of choice. ## wait... where's the old site? the old version of [freed.place](https://freed.place) is hosted at [codeberg](https://codeberg.org/FreedTapestry21/freed.place). please take a look there for older versions of this site. please note that these older versins do not make use of hugo, and instead are built with pure html and css code. ## License The license which this project uses is located at `LICENSE`.